Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Less than 4 Months to Go!

Well, just like most moms to second babies, I have been slacking a little on documenting this new precious baby we are waiting on:

I go in for my sugar test tomorrow...yuck.  And then hopefully my next appointment we will get to do the 4D ultrasound.  He is kicking a good bit now, which is one of the only things about pregnancy that I like.  
This is a rear view... yes, he is definitely a boy!
Sweet feet :)
My due date is January 21st, but it will be a scheduled C-section, so she will take him at least a week early.  Which is pretty exciting!  For those of you who are hoping to see pictures of my belly: don't hold your breath.  I am not in to pictures of myself at all right now!

1 comment:

  1. ooooh!! I cant wait to kiss this little sugar muffin!!
