Talon turned 7 months old on August 14. He weighs about 18 pounds now...wow! He is eating baby food twice a day and so far I have not found anything that he does not like! He eats an 8 ounce bottle 4 times a day. Talon goes to sleep at about 8:00 and sleeps until 7:30 or so the next morning (blessed). He is really trying to start crawling. He sits up really well now, so if I put him on the floor and he sees a toy he wants he will flop right on to his stomach and rock back and forth trying to get to it. Especially his big brother's toys! He absolutely loves his daddy...he just lights up when Cameron walks in to the room, just like Tucker did. We are loving our sweet baby boy that is always in a good mood!
We're not sure what's going to come of this hair!
He found the sticker for the first time and he really wanted it off!
Still no teeth! A couple have tried to come through, but none showing yet!
SO stinkin cute!!